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Tally Server-9

Tally.Server 9 is a 'Series A' Enterprise Class product for medium and large size businesses whose pace of growth requires for it to invest in infrastructure that will help them improve their business efficiencies. Tally.Server 9 helps enhance the power and control of Tally.ERP 9 Gold users by converting the existing 'peer-to-peer' kind of data access to 'server based' data management.

The Tally.Server 9 technology is built with multi-version concurrency capabilities for providing most efficient scalability. Requests from every user get equal priority and get solved in parallel with others, rather than sequentially. There is no queuing of access or modification requests and so every user will feel as if he were working with his own local copy or snapshot of data. Tally.Server 9 will ensure that the data access/modification by a user is isolated to his/her own snapshot, thus allowing other users to operate smoothly.

In other words, with Tally.Server 9, there is essentially no blocking of another user’s tasks, even as new users keep getting added to the system, or because of the types of tasks being performed. It also maintains very high data consistency in intense use environment. Overall it leads to lower cost of ownership, lower maintenance and higher efficiency of operations for any medium to large business needing an enterprise grade system.

High Concurrency

    Multiple users will be able to simultaneously load companies, save transactions, export reports, print reports, import data, take backup and perform other data related activities without experiencing any downtime or wait state.

  • Improved Security :
  • Keeping the data file safely invisible and providing controlled access. The data files are now managed through Tally. Server 9.

  • Minimizing instances of system unavailability:
  • Availability of the system is important for any business. Any time the system is unavailable; there is a loss of productive time. This can happen due to various reasons. With Tally.Server 9, backup can be taken anytime without affecting either the speed of access for the user or the consistency of data that is backed up

  • Business Process Optimization :
  • Since the access is controlled through Tally.Server 9, the authorized users will be able to monitor who is currently logged in, which companies are open, track the activities and even disconnect users if such a requirement arises.